Category Archives: Jewelry

A decade of starfish

silver bracelet from Hawaii

Heather bought this bracelet a gift shop near Waikiki Beach in 2004.

This silver bracelet with starfish charms is no ordinary piece of jewelry to its owner Heather Gooch, co-owner of Gooch & Gooch. Not only is it a fond memento of her trip to Hawaii in 2004, it also became a source of comfort on her flight home.

“I’ve always been a nervous flier,” she says. “When I saw there were ten starfish, I realized it was the same as a decade of beads on a rosary. I could say the rosary discreetly on my way home on the plane without freaking out other passengers.”

Purchased at a gift shop near Oahu’s famous Waikiki Beach, the bracelet’s charms are inlaid with mother of pearl.

“I wanted something nice,” Heather remembers. “This was a once in a lifetime trip and I wanted something nice to remember it by. I still wear it six years later. If there’s an important meeting that I have to go to, you might find it on my wrist. Truth be told, I see it as my good luck charm.”

Cost: approximately $12

Can’t get to Hawaii? Here are a few starfish bracelets you can order online:

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Filed under For Her, Hawaii, Jewelry, Oceana, United States